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We searching for new staff members!


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 GameNation Network is expanding and we need one of you to help with our ambitions and plans , if you have any of talents or you are just motivated to join in gaming business and try out yourself this would be a good moment for you!

Currently our projects are in various scopes so we gonna have categorize each project and positions available

Game Developer/Designer
Forsaken MU is being steadily developer by GameNation Network and as MMORPG is huge game environment it does take time and effort to deliver to our players , you as a game developer will be required to have knowledge of C++ , Java , C# , Python or if you more into design you will be required to have knowledge of Unity,Blender, Unreal Engine

Game Moderator
GameNation Network will be expanding it's hosted servers list as well as improving current hosting servers quality and to upkeep that quality we are requiring Moderators you as a moderator will be required to have fluent English both in writing and in speech , able to be neutral and not acting upon emotions when making decisions , have general knowledge of Gaming Industry , what it means to run one of the game servers within big community which holds higher standard.

League of Legends Academy Manager
Team managers are responsible for organizing the team and making sure players are prepared for competition. Managers handle the logistics of scheduling practices while also scouting and recruiting new players , you will be required to have experience in team management , perfect self control and several years experience in the league of legends itself.

Link to Application form https://hub.gamenation.network/apps/forms/s/L9GixDBx5yX9tHYd8tzHL88W


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