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Server Rules


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Treat others with respect.
There’s no need to say or do things to make others feel bad or upset. Trolling, generally defined as provoking a person/situation to get a response, is also not allowed.

Offensive content is not allowed.
While some minor amount of swearing is allowed, severe or frequent vulgarity, especially when directed at others, is not.

Keep chat family friendly.
Chat should be family friendly. This means certain subjects are not allowed in chat. These include, but are not limited to, discussions about sex, politics, religion or drugs. If a staff member asks you to move a conversation elsewhere or drop one, you should do so.

Advertising is not allowed.
Advertising other Eco servers is strictly banned. You also may not advertise websites, YouTube channels, Twitch streams, or anything else if it is not related to GameNationNetwork

Allow moderators to do their jobs.
You may not attempt to do a moderator’s job in threatening to punish players for breaking the rules. You are not allowed to argue against any decision made by a staff member regarding enforcement of the rules in any public channel. If you do disagree, please contact that staff member privately to resolve the issue, and if you cannot, you can fill official complaint form at

Spamming is not allowed.
Spamming is filling chat with multiple unneeded characters or messages. Don't do it.

This rule also applies to spamming commands that don't necessarily show up in chat (whether it be manually or via powertool)

Cheating is not tolerated.
Cheating in any form is not allowed. Anything that is considered to give you an unfair advantage over other players is considered cheating. This can include but is not limited to client mods to generate items/money easier or faster than otherwise possible, abusing server bugs or using alts/friends to gain more than you would normally gain on a single account.

Keep your structures in Roleplay Atmosphere

All structures should have a visible support underneath and should follow physics.

Trading For Real Items
Transactions to buy or sell currency or other in-game items for real money or other external products are not allowed. GNN ECO Server accounts too!

Griefing is not allowed.
Griefing is considered destroying or changing another player’s property or buildings without their consent in any protected area. Don’t do it.

Do not scam other players, or try to.
Scamming is taking money, items, work, or anything else of value from another player dishonestly.

Channel Specific Rules
Certain chats have specific rules you must follow while using them. You are required to be speaking English at all times in all of the channels.
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